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Rights of indigenous peoples

This booklet was developed by the Clinic of Human Rights and Environmental Law of the University of the State of Amazonas within the scope of the project entitled “Clínicadhda.org: virtualizing clinical legal teaching in times of pandemic” contemplated by the Extension Program of the School of Law of the University of the State of Amazonas. In it, concepts and issues involving the rights of indigenous peoples are presented in a simple way.


Come with us to know a little more about rights guaranteed to native peoples

Why is it important to talk about the rights of indigenous peoples?

It is necessary to popularize the concepts and rights guaranteed to peoples indigenous peoples, both in national and international instruments. This is due to a historical debt that western society bears, in view of the countless injustices to which these peoples were and are subjected during the colonial period to the present day, such as the incessant struggles for demarcation of their traditionally occupied lands and for the non-destruction of their cultures. In this way, by knowing the rights of indigenous peoples, we can also call indigenous peoples, it is possible to change the dominant view that exists in western society towards a less prejudiced and more rights-oriented society rights, based on respect for difference and on the self-determination of peoples.

Access the complete publication on the site http://repositorioinstitucional.uea.edu.br//handle/riuea/3601.